Rage Against The Machine
Rage Against the Machine
The series came about as the result of the collapse of household appliances each demanding repair. At the time (12/04 - 01/05), the artist was experimenting with a series of very small abstract paintings in acrylic, ink on mylar. These works were watery, layered abstractions using acrylic and ink on mylar and , given the small format, the works evoked specimen slides. Concurrently, the artist was completing a series of contour drawings of household objects, drawn on watercolour paper (14” x 16”) and combined graphite, ink, gouache, and gesso.
The frustration of the time demands required to repair and replace these broken machines intruded into the work. The Rage Against the Machine series resulted. They initially appeared as contour drawings on paper. A series of small graphite drawings combined with abstract paintings (5” x 9”) on mylar followed. The next experimentation was with larger-scaled abstract works. When three more appliances failed a year later, the series re-emerged.
The disturbing, murky palette of the abstract studies which evoked memories of long-buried traumatic events also lead to another small series entitled Dirty Secrets, only one of which is included in this exhibition.